360 Vehicle Protection Package
Unlike traditional 'protection' products offered by our competitors, Luxe Auto Lounge offers products that actually work. Since there really is no such thing as a 'one-time' application type product, Luxe offers products that truly maintain your vehicle's vital surfaces. Our specially formulated protection package includes:
- Application of Rust Check rust inhibitor fluid in all door and body panels, underside frame rails & channels, and engine compartment incl. firewall, shock towers, battery tray and terminals, etc.
- Application of Rust Check coat & protect non-drip thick gel to underside incl. floor pan, fuel & brake lines, and wheel wells
- Lifetime warranty available on vehicles within 3-5 model years
- Machine-applied anti-static Paint Sealant
- Application of anti-static carpet and fabric protection
The key to the continued success of our protection package lies in the annual re-application of all three products. One of the issues surrounding traditional paint sealant and rust-proofing products is that they do not provide long-term protection. Oftentimes tar-based rust-proofing products will crack and dry out, leaving your vehicle susceptible to rust and corrosion. Although highly advertised, the same can be said for electronic 'rust modules' which are also completely ineffective in preventing the formation of rust and corrosion. Other traditional products such as 'paint sealants' also do not provide proper protection for your vehicle's paint with only one application. For information on pricing and availability, please contact our sales department.

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